Morweb Site Launch Checklist
Just launched your new Morweb website? Carefully go through this checklist to make sure you didn't miss any important steps.
- Favicon is added
- Duplicate or unused pages are unpublished
- Pages and blog posts have meta titles and descriptions
- Forms have a contact under 'Email Results To'
- Forms have a thank you message or email confirmation set up
- Homepage banners link to the correct page
- All links (including buttons) go to the correct page
- All external links and PDFs open in a new window
- Access to private pages are set to the correct user group
- Access to private media galleries are set to the correct user group
- Google API Key is added under Morweb Services
- Google reCAPTCHA is added under Morweb Services
- Google Analytics tag is added
- Website contributers have user accounts on the live site. (The site is only for development purposes)